Name: Tafari
Gender: Male(Stallion)
Species: Equine(Chinotingue Pony)
Age: Six(6)
Height: 13.1
Weight: 921
Mate: Nyah
Children: x

Designed by Riddle`, Image by Spockylass

 Theme Song;;Broken by Lighthouse

 History and Personality:

Tafari stamped the ground behind his barbed fence, yelling out to Nyah.  She called back but it did nothing to stop the man dragging her to the trailer, away from her beloved Tafari.  Every second Nyah was getting farther from Tafari and he started to panic.  He tried to rip at the fence with his teeth but managed to cut his mouth instead of break the fence.  A plan formed in his mind and he started backing away from the fence.  When he was just far enough away he took off, bolting forward, and attempted to jump the fence.  He just made it!  The man trying to get Nyah to the trailer let go of the lead line and started chasing Tafari.  This gave Nyah the time to escape and she ran from the trailer at full speed.  Tafari attempted to follow her but the man caught him before he could get away.  The man, being angry for loosing Nyah, loaded Tafari into the trailer instead.  The buyer had never seen the horse so would never know the difference and the man will do anything for money.  Tafari went willingly, happy to sacrifice himself for Nyah.  Three months later Tafari arrived at his new him.  It was surprisingly nice compared to his previous barren home.  There was actually shelter from the weather but there was also a size-able pasture.  It turned out the owner of the stable often bought horses that were captured in the wild to bring them in and train them.  Occasionally they would be sold off again but some were also kept.  Tafari prayed that maybe one day he and Nyah would be reunited by a chance she'd be caught in the wild of their homeland.

1 Year Later

Tafari proved a challenge to train and the owner ended up putting him out to pasture.  Her daughter rode him occasionally because he behaved for her for some reason, he himself didn't even know.  One day a 12-horse-trailer pulled into the driveway and Tafari jogged over to see what horses they were getting.  He watched 5 horses get off the trailer than heard yelling and a wild slam.  All of the sudden a black horse burst out of the trailer and took off.  Tafari's eyes shifted to the horses shoulder, it was Nyah!  He yelled out and the mare stopped abruptly.  She jumped the fence and ran up to Tafari. She'd grown so much since the last time Tafari had seen her.  The owners were dumbstruck, what had happened?  The barn owner tried to get into the pasture and catch Nyah, however Nyah and Tafari were running away from her together.  Eventually the owners daughter got into the pasture and Tafari jogged right up to her and urged Nyah to follow.  The daughter brought both of the horses inside and started working with them both.  Tafari's attitude changed amazingly and he began listening fairly well to his riders as long as he was sure he would see Nyah soon after he was ridden.


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