Name: Nyah
Gender: Female(Mare)
Species: Equine(Mustang)
Age: Eight(8)
Height: 14.3 HH
Weight: 1,102
Mate: Tafari
Children: x

Designed by Riddle`, Lineart by silverglass19@deviantart

 History and Personality:

Nyah called back to Tafari as she was being dragged away towards the scary trailer.  She watched Tafari rip at the fence, trying helplessly to get to her.  He bit into the barbed fence, threw his head, and blood flew out of his mouth.  Nyah cries out in fear for herself and for her mate.  Tafari begins to back away and just when Nyah thinks he has given up he bolts forward and jumps the fence!  The man dragging Nyah to the trailer slacks off the lead rope and Nyah takes the chance to run while the man chases Tafari.  She believes he can get away... But somewhere in her mind she knows he won't.  Nyah's legs are long and strong, that is enough to get her away, but she is extremely fast also.  She is in the woods and just turns her head briefly enough to see Tafari in the hands of their keeper, being put onto the trailer.  She helplessly keeps running through the woods.  Self sacrifice was Tafari's thing, Nyah was too selfish. She continues weaving in and out of the tree's for another 10 minutes then finally stops and tries to catch her breath.  Soon she realizes she made a horrible mistake...  There were tree's here, but just that.  The leaves, too high for her to reach.  The grass, well she didn't know if there was any grass here under all of the broken dirt, and there definitely wasn't anyone out her to give her grain and hay everyday.  Nyah falls down on the ground and begins to weep quietly.  She fears she won't survive more than a few days on the diet of dead leaves she can scarcely find on the ground.  Suddenly there is a thud and some sort of cracking sound, Nyah looks up and see's a tree trembling, it's ready to fall, and Nyah is in the way.  She tries to get up but finds her legs numb from running, it must have been longer than she thought.  The tree starts tipping towards her when all of the sudden a figure, horse-shaped, appears at the side of the tree and starts pounding into it with his/her front hooves.  Nyah thinks it is a horse, a stallion, but something about his eye shocks her.  It appears bleached white and glowing, so bright she actually has to turn her head away from it.  The tree falls, diagonal to the way it should have.  She pulled herself up on trembling legs and looked around for the stallion.  The sound of crunching leaves is behind her and she turns quickly, with pinned ears, only to find the stallions chest inches from her nose. 



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